Have you ever thought…. ??

Why Prophet Ibrahim left his beloved wife and son in the middle of the hot desert?

Why the Mother and Prophet Ismail obeyed without any fuss?

Why Hajar ran from Safra and Marwa to search for water to give to her son?

Why Prophet Ibrahim was ordered to slaughter Prophet Ismail?

Why he had difficulties to accomplish the mission?

Why Prophet Ismail was prepared?

Why did he respond: “Father, do what you have been ordered to do. You shall find me, God willing, among the patient".

Why Prophet Ibrahim fulfilled the command and ALLAH grant them a sheep from Heaven?

Why Muslims spend so much effort and money to perform their Hajj – while Hajj is actually ‘a path to the Hereafter’?

It’s all because of LOVE…


LOVE to our loved ones; family and friends..

LOVE among Muslims…

ALLAH’s tests are indicators of HIS LOVE

Tests of Submission and Obedience..

He gave us Eid-ul Adha because of LOVE

Eid-ul Adha; the Feast of Sacrifice..

Praise be to Allah S.W.T…

For this feast of commitment, obedience and self-sacrifice to Him

For the freedom and prosperity we enjoy today are the results of the sacrifices of those before us…

For our only sacrifice is to seek HIS LOVE…

Feel the POWER of LOVE!

what Muslimah Mothers must be..

He needs love, care and protection. He needs a sweet lullaby, daily bath and cuddle when he cries. He is my heart.. - little baby Strong Mujahid.

Everything needs PATIENCES.

Never never NEVER GIVE UP.

Do your Best and let Allah do the Rest (TAWAKKAL).

Ya Allah give my Heart.

The story of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh,



We hope that the name Muhammad Al-Fateh given to our first child will always be prayer for him. May Allah grant him the good characteristics of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh and select him to be His Faithful Slave.......

Muhammad - "Praised, lauded, commended, praiseworthy. Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (570-632) ; Messenger of Allah who preached the faith of Islam."

Fateh - "One who eases difficulties, conqueror."

The barakah of naming a child after the beloved name of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam):Rasoolullah (Sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: “Whoever is named after me with the hope of being blessed, he will be blessed and will be in peace till the Day of Qiyaamah.”


Alhamdulillah, SubhanALlah and Allahu Akbar!

Alhamdulillah, The birth of our Strong Mujahid
30 October 2008
11 Zulkaedah 1430H
6.35PM Friday
2.9 kg
Hospital Sultanah Aminah. Johor Bahru

May Allah give us strength to be Good Muslims

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w, "Sesungguhnya Allah akan
bertanya setiap penanggungjawab akan tanggungjawabnya,
apakah dia telah memeliharanya ataupun mensia-siakannya."
(HR Ibn Hibban)

Jagalah harga dirimu kerana Islam memuliakan Wanita.

Allah SWT mengampunkan dosa IBU yang melahirkan bayi...
Jihad kaum WANITA adalah jihad mengandung dan melahirkan...
Syurga di bawah tapak kaki IBU...
Tanggungjawab ISTERI kepada suami dan IBU kepada anak...
moga ALLAH nilai setiap saat pengorbananmu.

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