-- Strong Boy's little hand with his new habit

SubhanALlah Allah All-Aware has given me the chance to blog again.

The last post was in February MasyaAllah! That is nearly a whole year gone..

Since I am separated from any lappy I though there was no way to blog again. After a brief survey of mobile Blogger Apps this morning, I chosed Blogaway App.

Influenced by my recent readings I just though I should start writing again. Another factor that I have stopped writing (on the internet) was I don't know why I hate to write on facebook! Maybe I'm not the exposing-all type of a writer haha.

Must improve right? Because I know I have to SPREAD THE DEVINE WORD!
Anyhow InsyaAllah I wish to take note of the recent things that influenced me to start again;

1.  We (Hubby and me) read a statement on Flip board about a well known artis or entertainer who wrote something like "hello blog goodbye facebook". This gave me the idea of shifting my dislikes of writing on facebook and start writing somewhere elso - my blog! Alhamdulillah.

2. Another thing was I have so many things lingering in this little head that Allah has given me and I need to spell it out! I am also motivated by  Strong Boy's new habit of typing his name everywhere, everything mobile and to everyone of his name.

Thank you Allah swt for every thing!

 Dengan namaMu ya Rahman

-- musafir alam

Perjalanan kami, Cranfield - Sheffield - Manchester - Liverpool - Cranfield

Niat? Ambil perluang melihat Alam ciptaanNYA dan ziarah.

Kata Kunci:

1. Focus pada NIAT.

Jika niat kepergian Anda adalah baik maka kabar gembira untuk Anda dengan sabda Nabi Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam , artinya: "Barangsiapa yang berkeinginan untuk melakukan suatu kebaikan namun belum sempat menunaikannya maka Allah mencatat untuknya satu kebaikan yang utuh." (HR Al Bukhari).

2. Jenis-jenis Safar

Terpuji / Makruh / Tercela atau dilarang

3. Teman Safar

Lebih baik berkumpulan
Pilih teman musafir yang baik

4. Safar ke Negara Kafir

(Pendapat Syaikh Abdur Rahman Al Jibrin)

Urusan Hiburan?
Tujuan Dakwah/Taklim?

Tempat yang seharusnya dihindari - dosa dan ikhtilat LP

5. Panduan ringkas

6. Musafir Rasulullah s.a.w

Kepentingan Tafakkur Alam

Muqaddimah tulisan Sy. Mustafa Masyhur
Tajuk: Bertafakkur Terhadap Makhluk dan Tanda-tanda Kekuasaan Allah

>> Perkukuhkan Ma'rifatuLlah sebagai Alat Pengubah

“Pekerja di stesen keretapi mengubah landasan dan laluan keretapi, bukan dengan mengubah dan menghalakan keretapi itu ke laluan yang dikehendaki, tetapi ia mengubahnya dengan cara yang mudah iaitulah dengan menggunakan “alat pengubah haluan landasan.” Dengan menarik sedikit “alat pengubah” tersebut, ia dapat mengubah haluan keretapi ke laluan yang lain tanpa bersusah-payah. Demikian juga hati manusia dan ma’rifatullah (mengenali Allah). Mengenali Allah secara hakiki merupakan “alat pengubah.”

Apabila hati insan mengalami suatu perubahan dari suatu keadaan kepada keadaan yang lain, diri insan itu juga akan berubah. Apabila seseorang individu itu berubah, ummah juga akan berubah. Apabila engkau inginkan perubahan, maka baikilah hati manusia dengan mengenal-kannya dengan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala secara hakiki.”

(Dari kalam Al-Imam Al-Syahid di dalam Durus Al-Thulatha’)

Kita sangat memerlukan kepada ma’rifatullah yang hakiki untuk membaiki hati dan mengubah keadaan agar keadaan uinat seluruhnya juga berubah. Di antara apa yang membekalkan kita dengan ma’rifat ini ialah bertafakkur terhadap ciptaan Allah dan tanda-tanda kekuasaanNya di alam semesta ini, serta mentadabbur nama-nama dan sifat-sifatNya.


Hikmah Kembara

Album : Hikmah Kembara
Munsyid : Mirwana

Di sini kau berdiri
berpijak di bumi
menjunjung langit yang luas
Pernahkah kau berfikir
alam penuh rahsia
anugerah yang maha esa

melihat kebesaran tuhan
yang diciptakan untuk
mereka yang berfikir
dan bersyukur di atas nikmat
dan kurnianya
nilai harganya,iman dan taqwa
bagi hamba yang setia

Tiada beza warna,kulit atau rupa
yang ada hanya insan yang lemah
dengan satu tujuan mencari keredhaan
dan berbudi di bumi tuhan

Fikirkanlah..dimana arah kita
Renungilah..hikmah kembara
menuju kasih
buktikan cinta kita..
ini kembara kita

Berjalan dan bermusafirlah
untuk melihat kebesarannya
lantas berfikir dan bersyukur
diatas nikmat dan kurnianya
nilai harganya iman dan taqwa
bagi hamba yag setia 


Dengan namaMu Ya Rahim

-- let's try to understand


Idea sparked from my search about Baby Language.

- secret baby language
- Allah swt taught us through the founder who was gifted  
- helps us to understand and react respectively
- we are actually communicating

Key Words:

1. Meaning.

un·der·stand [uhn-der-stand] 

verb (used with object), un·der·stood, un·der·stand·ing.
1. to perceive the meaning of; grasp the idea of; comprehend: to understand Spanish; I didn't understand your question.
2. to be thoroughly familiar with; apprehend clearly the character, nature, or subtleties of: to understand a trade.
3. to assign a meaning to; interpret: He understood her suggestion as a complaint.
4. to grasp the significance, implications, or importance of: He does not understand responsibility.
5. to regard as firmly communicated; take as agreed or settled: I understand that you will repay this loan in 30 days.

2. It's all about understanding.

-  Study - understand - can teach others.
- Knowledge - understand - can apply.
- .....

3. Kefahaman Islam

- Bermula dengan Asas, tentang hubungan pertama kita dengan Rabb.
- Article: Perjanjian hamba dengan Rabbnya, Pn. Maimunah Hashim


1. Fitrah kita untuk Mentauhidkan Allah SWT
2. Ciptaan Allah mengiktiraf Rubbubiyah Allah
3. Hakikat Iman, Tauhid
4. Fitrah Nurani = keadaan memeluk keyakinan yang lurus

Simple conclusion:

- the 5 basic words of our babies

Alhamdulillah Praise is for Allah swt. who gave me the chance to practice this knowledge. The first time I heard about this was from my friends which was the clip from the Oprah show. That time Strong Boy as already a toddler with his own language that we both understand.

Now with the new baby Joyful Beauty,  I can try out this language. So far I can understand and respond to her needs of 'EH' and 'EAIRH'. Poor thing.. Wanna know what they mean? Let's watch these videos.

Lesson 1 - 1

Word 'NEH' 03:10
Word 'OWH' 05:10
Word 'EH' 08:10

Lesson 1 - 2

Solutions for
'NEH', 01:10
'OWH', 02:10
'EH', 03:48

Lesson 2

Word 'EAIRH', 00:33
Word 'HEH', 02:53

Solution 'EAIRH', 05:36
Solution 'HEH', 07:03

They also have a website here, DBL.


Allah swt. loved him and called him back.

My beloved Father-in-law, Arwah Abah Ismail - Hubby's father - around Maghrib time on the 4th of February 2014.

Wish to record the memory here.

After Hubby's birthday respond message through Whatapps. His replies were:

"Aid ni buat mk sedih aje pgini. tu lah taggong jawab yg Allah beri, Alhmdllah Syukur Allah kurniakn mak abah anak anak yg brtanggong jawab .ALHAMDULILLAH"

Aid, Hubby's special name. Usually Mak Hajar calls Hubby with this name.

"Ngah abah hanya berharap angah mendoakan agar abah sihat dan dapat bertemu dengan cucu abah yang jauh. Sekiranya takdir menentukan sebaliknya pohon doakan agar amalan diterima Allah. Juga dapat bersama dgn anak dan cucu semuanya dalam keluarga bahagia. Pohon doakan"

'Ngah' name for second in the family, we are the Ngah family. Little Joyful Beauty is the granddaughter that Arwah referred to. huhu.....

"Begitu juga Eka sekeluarga dan Along sekeluarga pohon doakan kesihatan abah sebab akhir akhir ini kesihatan abah agak membjmbangkan"

"Cuma yang mampu abah mohon kemaafan dari anak anak semua andainya abah ada kegagalan dalam mambimbing anak anak sehingga tidak dapat meletakkan anak anak ditempat yang sepatutnya. Kepada semua menantu abah mohon maaf dan sekiranya ada menyusahkan sepanjang kita berkeluarga"

He has felt 'the call'. May Allah swt bless him always and accepted his repentance.

"Antaranya kanser hati dah tahap tiga . Buah pinggang . Jantung ada masalah. Dan bsdan makin lemah. Jalan tiga empat langkah dah penat. Makan tiada selera"

The asbab of 'the call'. waALlahu'alam.

I did some search of what can we do or help from far other than DOA. 
These were the results from Solusi Islam:

Kumpulan Doa

Hukum Ziarah Kubur 
Ziarah Kubur

Solusi Islam Label: Alam Kubur.


اَللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لَهُ وَارْحَمْهُ وَعَافِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنْهُ، وَأَكْرِمْ نُزُلَهُ، وَوَسِّعْ مَدْخَلَهُ، وَاغْسِلْهُ بِالْمَاءِ وَالثَّلْجِ وَالْبَرَدِ، وَنَقِّهِ مِنَ الْخَطَايَا كَمَا نَقَّيْتَ الثَّوْبَ اْلأَبْيَضَ مِنَ الدَّنَسِ، وَأَبْدِلْهُ دَارًا خَيْرًا مِنْ دَارِهِ، وَأَهْلاً خَيْرًا مِنْ أَهْلِهِ، وَزَوْجًا خَيْرًا مِنْ زَوْجِهِ، وَأَدْخِلْهُ الْجَنَّةَ، وَأَعِذْهُ مِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ [وَعَذَابِ النَّارِ] 

“Ya Allah! Ampunilah dia (mayat) berilah rahmat kepadanya, selamatkanlah dia (dari beberapa hal yang tidak disukai), maafkanlah dia dan tempatkanlah di tempat yang mulia (Surga), luaskan kuburannya, mandikan dia dengan air salju dan air es. Bersihkan dia dari segala kesalahan, sebagaimana Engkau membersihkan baju yang putih dari kotoran, berilah rumah yang lebih baik dari rumahnya (di dunia), berilah keluarga (atau istri di Surga) yang lebih baik daripada keluarganya (di dunia), istri (atau suami) yang lebih baik daripada istrinya (atau suaminya), dan masukkan dia ke Surga, jagalah dia dari siksa kubur dan Neraka.” [HR. Muslim 2/663]

 -- touched by this

SubhanALlah they are God's precious gifts.
Juz 'Amma by Ahmad Saud
Background: God's Creation

Juz 'Amma by Muhammad Thaha Al-Junaid
Backgroud: Animation

Arabic Alphabet Videos for my little ones...

Huruf Hijaiyah

Huruf Hijaiyah (Beautiful Background)

A Ba Taa with Sofia and Rayyan


A is for Allah (Alphabet)

A is for Allah (Videoclip Nasheed)

Song with Zaky

Arabic Alphabet Dictionary

Ten Little Muslims

A basic maths Muslim nursery rhyme written by Elizabeth Lymer for Ilm Adventures

Ten little Muslims have answered Allah’s call
Five girls in the gallery, five boys in the hall.
After salah’s over, one girl and boy depart,

Eight little Muslims stay for dhikr from the heart.
Eight little Muslims have answered Allah’s call
Four girls in the gallery, four boys in the hall.
After making dhikr, one girl and boy depart,

Six little Muslims stay for du’a from the heart.
Six little Muslims have answered Allah’s call
Three girls in the gallery, three boys in the hall.
After supplicating, one girl and boy depart,

Four little Muslims stay to recite from the heart.
Four little Muslims have answered Allah’s call
Two girls in the gallery, two boys in the hall.
After recitation, one girl and boy depart,

Two little Muslims stay to go back to the start.
Two little Muslims have answered Allah’s call
One girl in the gallery, one boy in the hall.
After extra praying, the girl and boy depart,   
No little Muslims at the masjid after dark.

Today I found this website link and YouTube collection videos of Religious Nursery Rhymes.

Website Link: Elizabeth Lymer | Playing with Rhymes [LINK]

YouTube Collection, Elizabeth Lymer

The search for the best name of our 2nd child had given us the chance to know this special figure. The criteria for our children's name was to start with the letter "F" and if possible taken from an Islamic figure.

Muhammad Al-Fateh was chosen to be the name of our Strong Boy. Alhamdulillah.

Female Islamic figures were very hard to find. Even harder when the first letter has to be an "F". Alhamdulillah my brother introduced me to this name - Faree'ah Binti Malik.

So these are the search results:

1 |  The first article I read was specifically about her. She was a sahabiyah.

The Prophet(SAWS)said: "Whosoever participated in the Ridwan, are the holders of Paradise. Faree'ah (R Anha) participated in the pledge of Ridwan,so she is a lady or Paradise.

She was the daughter of the great Companion, Malik bin Sinan bin 'Obaid Ansari Khudri (R A. It was about her that the Prophet (SAWS)said: "Whosoever wants to see a person of Paradise, then they should look a t her."

Faree'ah bint Malik (R Anha)was married to Sahi bin Rafi' bin Bashir Khazraji. He was killed by some of his slaves near Al-Madinah. This tragedy left her grief-stricken. After the murder of her husband she wanted to go back to her parents' house. She consulted the Prophet (SAWS) as to what course of action was permitted by the Shari'ah, and if she could do so. He said that she should continue to stay in her house till she completed the perscribed waiting period. It should be noted that when a woman's husband dies she should observe a period of mourning for four months and ten days.

Faree'ah bint Malik (R Anha) says that she obeyed the Prophet(SAWS) and stayed in her house for the prescribed period, and after that she devoted her full life to the service and propagation ot Islam. She was one of those who took part in the Bai'at Ridhwan. The Prophet (SAW) said about these people that none of them would go to Hell. In other words, they would all go to Paradise.

During the caliphate of 'Uthman bin 'Affan(R A)a lady's husband died. The matter of her place of residence during the period of her 'Iddat came under consideration. Faree'ah bint Malik (R Anha) was summoned to the court of the caliph. She was asked what the Prophet(SAW)had told her when she was in a similar situation regarding the place where she should pass the period of 'lddat. What she said was accepted in the court and applied to the lady in question.

Faree'ah bint Malik(R Anha) had a very good memory. If she heard the command of the Prophet (SAW) even once, she would immediately learn it and retain it in her memory. In their study of traditions and Ahadith, many great scholars would approach her for authentication or reference. Especially in the matter of observance of 'lddat; she has the distinction of being the predominant authority regarding the rules to be observed.  

The article continues here, [LINK].

2 |  Her full name is Faree'ah / Kabsha bint Malik bin Sinin b. 'Ubaid b. Tha'laba b. 'Ubaid b. al-Abjar (Khudra) b. 'Auf.

Her areas of interest were Recitation (Quran), Narrator and Fiqh.

I found from a Muslim Scholar Database here, [LINK]

3 |  A book I referred to was "Great Women of Islam" by Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar.

Her title was "lady of Paradise".

The Book in PDF. [LINK]

4 |  Meaning of Faree'ah from "Quranic Names"

Meaning of Fareea

Fareea, pronounced with a pause at the end, as in Faree-ah, is an indirect Quranic name for girls and the name of some of the Sahabiyaat (pious women who lived at the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his companions). The meaning of Fareea is “tall”, “slim”, “woman with beautiful long hair”. It is derived from the F-R-Ain (branch, breadth) root which is used in the Quran in 14:24:

"Have you not considered how Allah sets forth a parable of a good word (being) like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in heaven"

To 'malaysianize' and to avoid the " ' " in the name... we had chosen,

Farihah, فريحة - "happy, joyful, cheerful" 

Mardhiyyah, مرضية - "a woman whom Allah is pleased with, and who herself is content and pleased with her situation" from her title 'Lady of the Paradise' which meant that she is pleased by ALlah swt.

Also from the Quranic Names website, we also found the verses that they referred to for the meaning,

"They are joyful because of what God has bestowed on them…" (Quran 3:170)

"Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him]" (Quran 89:28)

**InsyaALLAH documented with references to ease the process of naming the coming children..


Alhamdulillah, SubhanALlah and Allahu Akbar!

Praises be to Allah SWT, the exclusive Owner of the utmost Glory. Thank You Allah!

Allah swt had granted us the birth of our second child, our first mujahidah and the little sister for Strong Boy.

-- the surname problem. huhu..

Joyful Beauty was born on the 
6th of January 2014 / 5 Rabi'ul Awwal 1435
00:02 Monday
2.445 kg
Bedford Hospital, UK

BismiLlahir Rahmanir Rahim

"And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than jugular vein"

HE is very near and HE knows our needs.

Alhamdulillah HE gave me the chance to experience VBAC. 

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