I'm touched by this comic. Wanted to find a different source of advice and I reached out the First Journalism Club (IIUM) Comic and I found this. ASATIZATUL ALAM... wanna know what it means, come and read with me.....

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 Ana was annoyed by that guy's comment. But K. Nani succeed to neutralize it. Why should we feel annoyed? we should say "Ameeeen!" instead, because every name called is a prayer (dua').

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Yes, we should all be or put ambition to be "Asatizatul Alam" teachers of the universe. Who brings others to Faith in Allah through their speeches, writings and actions. 

Rasulullah(saw) said , "The best of charity is a Muslim who learns a knowledge and later teaches it to his Muslim brother."

Show and tell to our family, friends and neighbors how to be a good practical Muslim. To do so, we must seek knowledge and learn, try them out and tell others of it.. Especially to those you LOVE for Allah reminds us (At-Tahrim: 6),



O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.


Ana Rindu.......
Ana berdebar-debar nak bertemu..
Ana dah bersedia? Huhu


1. Bacaan Al-Quran?
2. Hafazan Hadis?
3. Tahajjud...?
4. Ziarah..?
5. Jemput sahabat2 ke rumah?
6. Cube resepi baru...
7. Bacaan Buku Fikrah? Buku apa? Bila?
8. Study?
9. PUASA (hehe hampir lupa - Wajib..wajib, kalau boleh dapat full bestnyer..)
10. "Study Group"..


hmmm nnti kita telitikan perancangan ye. InsyaALLAH.

-- Sketches of True Beauty
SKETCH - do you know what it means?

Google Translate, Sketch is "Sketsa" (But I rather translate it more to 
"conteng yang menjadi")

Dictionary.Com, Sketch [pronounced as 'skech']

a simply or hastily executed drawing or painting, especially 
apreliminary one, giving the essential features without thedetails.
a rough design, plan, or draft, as of a book.
a brief or hasty outline of facts, occurrences, etc.: a sketchof his life.
a short, usually descriptive, essay, historyor story.
a short play or slight dramatic performance, as one formingpart 
of a vaudeville program.
–verb (used with object)
to make a sketch of.
to set forth in a brief or general account: He sketched 
his own part in the affair.
Metallurgy (in a steel mill or the like) to mark (a piece) forcutting.
–verb (used without object)
to make a sketch or sketches.

-- Sketches of Adorableness
Thesaurus @ Dictionary.Reference.Com, Sketch

Part of Speech:noun
Definition:drawing, outline
Synonyms:accountadumbration, aperçu, blueprintcartoon, 
chart, compendiumconfigurationcopy,delineation
depictiondescriptiondesign,diagram, digestdoodle,
draftfiguration, figure,formillustrationlikeness
monograph, painting,picturepieceplanportrayal,
précis, report,representationroughshapeskeleton, 
summary,surveysyllabus, versionvignette

Part of Speech:verb
Definition:draw, outline
Synonyms:adumbrateblock out, blueprint*, chalk,characterizechart, 
delineatedepictdescribe,design, detaildevelopdiagram, 
doodle, draft,lay out, linemap out, paintplan, plot
portray,representrough out, skeleton, skeletonize, trace
-- Just beautiful

I like to sketch what I see
I like to sketch what I love
it makes me appreciate them more
with my pencil in my hand
I will go line by line
dot by dot...

To ensure that I will appreciate
what I sketch and 
the Creator of my sketches.

(emm... if this looks like I appreciate both in the same level, for ALLAH swt. should be First and Above all then I have to say: )

Masha Allah, la quwwata illa biLlah!

"What Allah willed (has occurred) there is no power except in Allah"? (Al-Kahfi: 39)

Kenangan di Tasik Pesona, Durian Tunggal, Melaka

- sungguh, Alam ciptaanNya penuh dengan Ketenangan

Pesan Pak ArBi:

"Kita pergi / datang sesuatu tempat dengan dalam jiwa, INGIN MEMBERI sesuatu bukan untuk MENDAPAT sesuatu, InsyaALLAH bila kita datang dengan niat untuk memperoleh sesuatu, kita akan kecewa bila tak dapat apa yang kita 'expect'....Bila kita ingin sentiasa memberi, kita akan lebih tenang dan berpuas hati, sebab bergantung kepada kita sebanyak mana kita hendak beri.." (ou kama qol, lebey kurang katanye)

Dalam kata lain:


- dan peringatan bagi mereka yang berfikir, berakal dan bersyukur

Thank You ALLAH!

My Forever Favorite Friends
... are my Friends
... who Reminds me of Allah
... who Reminds me of Al-Akhirah
... who Reminds me of Al-Haq and As-Sobr

My Friends becomes my Favorite Friends
that is when our hearts are linked by Ukhuwwah Islamiyyah
Friendship For Allah.
so we can be gathered together
on That Day - the Day of Judgement
as those who Love each other
only for the sake of Allah.
only to gain His Redha.

Owh Allah Al-Mighty All-Loving, Please grant Your Love and Blessing upon My Favorite Friends.

Muslim Hero: Toriq Ibn Zeyad

Video 1 - 5

Video 2 - 5

Video 3 - 5

Video 4 - 5

Video 5 - 5

Sorry it's in Arabic. I haven't found any in Malay or English or with subtitles. I can only understand some basic words. Hoping those who are good in Arabic can translate for us..

Enjoy the cartoon.

What is DNA?

Flipping through the pages of Anatomy of a book on Human Body gives us the everlasting wonder of the best creation ever designed. From the basic structure of our skeleton to our overall invisible-like nerve system, all are very complex. Not a soul can design such a marvelous creation, neither can anyone come into being by coincidence. This is the evidence that we are crated by Allah the All-Powerful Designer and Creator. Glory be to Allah!

“And in the earth are signs for those who are certain. And in your own selves; so can you not perceive?”(Adz-Dzariyat: 20-21).

Allah SWT has mentioned, “Verily, We created man of the best stature (mould)” (At-Tin: 4).

Humans are multi-cellular with about 100 trillion or 1014 cells. The cell is the functional basic unit of life. They are tiny and each obeys Allah. Allah designed our body from many types of cells and each cell is designed for a mission. Allah created the tiny cells with microscopic sets of blueprints, the DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. Allah created this minute creation with a big purpose, a data bank for the human body. DNA stores genetic information which controls thousands of different events happening in the cells of the human body, in our functioning systems and physical features which include our blood pressure and the color of our hair.

Designed to be Very Specific

From the books we have read and pictures that we have seen before, we are certain that the DNA is created in detail and in a very specific way. Such a small thing is responsible for such big differences. Scattered letters in a game of Scramble are impossible to sequence themselves into meaningful words. Neatly arranged pieces of jigsaw puzzle in place to form a beautiful picture must be the work of someone. Harun Yahya conveys, “Words without writers, or designs without designers are quite impossible.” – That’s what writers and designers mean. The slightest sign of something intended somewhere shows the certainty of an owner of wisdom and Allah has the supremacy to create everything in the Heavens and the earth.

“In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for people of intelligence: those who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: ‘Our Lord, You did not create this for nothing. Glory be to You! So guard us from the punishment of the Fire’ ” (Surah Ali-‘Imran: 190-191).

The following figure illustrates the precision of Allah’s creations:

DNA alphabet
Allah designed the DNA to store the instructions of all functioning systems of the cell. As the 26 letters in the English alphabet to construct words and sentences, DNA sends codes using the alphabet of 4 letters, which are A,G,C, and T (adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine). These letters are called chemical bases. DNA bases pair up with each other to form base pair units of A with T and G with C. Each base is attached to a sugar molecule and a phosphate molecule, which gives to be a nucleotide. The nucleotides are arranged in two long strands forming a double helix, while the base pairs form like a ladder’s rung, and the sugar phosphate becomes the sidepieces of the ladder acting as its backbone.

With the DNA alphabet, the instructions given are to make proteins that act as tools in performing tasks according to the cell’s needs. Proteins are constructed of any 20 building blocks called the amino acids. The instructions given by the DNA specifies which amino acid is needed to construct the respecting protein. The order of the DNA bases is called the sequence, similar to the order of the letters in a sentence. The sequence of the bases in DNA can spell all the instructions for your body. The DNA instructs three letter ‘words’ and specifies which amino acid should attach to form a protein.

The DNA obeys Allah

Such precision and accuracy of a minute creation, the DNA, shows....

[Continue reading in HALUAN Magazine, 4th Edition, 2010]

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